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Arte Plumario: Document to preserve

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


COURSE IN SPANISH JUSTIFICATION: The feather art collections reflect our ancestral heritage and allow us to know relevant data of our history. The organization and analysis of your documentation are contributions in favor of your study, preservation and diffusion. GOALS: 1. Know a collection of feather art from its documentation; 2. Analyze the traditional documentation of a feather art collection; 3. Create an updated registration form for a feather art collection. SESSIONS 1. Introduction to feather art; 2. Feather art techniques; 3. Feather art in archaeological collections; 4. Feather art in ethnographic collections; 5. Feather art from the online catalogues; 6. Importance of the documentation of a collection; 7. The multidisciplinary work in documentation; 8. Preparation and analysis of a registration form.





I really enjoyed getting to know the manufacturing techniques of feathers!
All the knowledge shared in the classes was very good.

Esmerina Costa Luis - Brazil

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